POWERLOGY is a one man company created in January 2005 by Patrick DUBUS. This company is dedicated to Power Electronics.

The main activity is to provide support to Power Electronic Designers or to offer dedicated trainings. Support is done at customer premises. For trainings, I am more flexible and they may be organized inside or outside customer premises depending on customer choice and number of trained people.

Where we may help you ?

Power energy conversion:

Motor command:

Why to contact POWERLOGY

You are specialized in the development or Power Electronic Equipments but you are short in resources or you need an external advice.

You have to design a Power Electronic function but you are not familiar with.

You have trouble with one of your Power Electronic Equipment and you are looking for "new eyes" to improve the situation.

You want to increase the skill of you Power Designers and you are looking for dedicated trainings.

You have subcontracted a Power Electronic Equipment and you need to drives this external development.

I want to be your privileged Partner for Power Electronic activities.

Why we are different

I am interested in design, customer satisfaction and strong relation ship.

Money is not driving my choices.

Main Customers

Direct or Indirect


Close to Versailles (Yvelines / France).

Possibilities to work in PARIS and its Suburb because travels are done by motorbike.